

Blog of Sarah Anderson Photography. Interiors, food and lifestyle photographer

K.W. Doggett Fine Paper Shoot

Earlier in the year I had the pleasure of working with the lovely folk at K.W. Doggett fine Paper and the amazing Suzy Tuxen from A Friend of Mine design studio (AFOM). The brief was to photograph paper cutout artworks which were meticulously created and laid out by Suzy using the wide range of paper stocks from K.W. Doggett and lit to show the various paper finishes, colours and textures. Whilst I am usually doing this on building projects it was fun to translate my love of colour, texture and lines to the studio environment. I used various light sources to show the works in a way that bought out the layering, texture, vibrance and in some cases sparkle of the various papers whilst keeping it realistic to what they look like when viewed in natural light.

Here are some of the photographs we created:
