
Molly Rose

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Molly Rose

I thoroughly enjoyed photographing Molly Rose's venue, people, beer, and food. Good beers and good people in an elevated setting. 10 out of 10 recommend you visit if you’re in Collingwood.

berr in glass at the molly rose bay photographed by sarah anderson
portrait of molly rose founder nic at the bar
scallops with beer at molly rose dining room by sarah anderson photography
maitre d preparing for service at molly rose
sallops and wine at wood table
chef biggy preparing food at the pass
friends dinner party at molly rose
chef biggy finishing watermelon dish at Molly rose
molly rose new venue by sarah anderson photography
molly rose chefs table dining room photographed by sarah anderson
friends at the moolly rose bar photographed by sarah anderson
patrons dining at the chefs table bar
portrait of beer in glass
portrait of nic and biggy at molly rose
patrons enjoying dinner and beer a t the molly rose chefs table
patrons dining at the chefs table
kitchen with chef and diners at molly rose
chef biggy working in kitchen
cocktail at the molly rose bar
molly rose bar
cocktail on the bar at molly rose
molly rose beer garden by sarah anderson photography