fish bowl view into study area at monash university designed by harmer architecture and photographed by sarah anderson.jpg

Monash Caulfield

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Monash University

Monash University Caulfield Campus teaching and learning space designed by Harmer Architecture.

fish bowl view into study area at monash university designed by harmer architecture and photographed by sarah anderson
grey architect designed kitchen with purple tiled back splash and timber batten lined wallsby harmer photographed by sarah anderson
custom green couch and interior deigned by harmer architecture photographed by sarah anderson
view of hallway with cork lined meeting room designed by harmer architecture photograph by sarah anderson
custom red couch with orange carpeted wall in background by sarah anderson photography
monash university study area with kitchen designed by harmer architecture photographed by sarah anderson
view of hall way interior architecture with wood and green carpet designed by harmer with photograph by sarah anderson
study pods designed by harmer architecture captured by sarah anderson photography
monash university study area view from kitchen designed by harmer architecture photographed by sarah anderson